Last summer my sister completed a Sprint Triathlon and I was there to watch. It was so cool. I was inspired but never thought it would be something I would do. But as my physical being improved...I knew that I would have to find out a way to challenge my body. I knew that I wouldn't be able to "just" lift weights and go home and be content...nope! I also know that running a marathon is not my thing...that is a long way to go and do only one! The thought of training for that made me very weary! So it finally clicked that I could/should do a sprint triathlon. I committed myself to do them by mentioning it to a couple key people in my life...and then I panicked...
I don't know how to swim effectively. I can stay afloat....I can probably make it from one end of the pool to another but that is about it...I do think I have the other two aspects of a TRI down pat...biking...and running...Well biking...maybe not...I need to learn how to use the gears correctly and lengthen my distance...I am doing a Spinning Class starting this week.
Anyway...just today I registered for some swim lessons...I am hoping to do a few private lessons to learn a good basic stroke/method...and then I will start my training.
My immediate plan is to alternate between swim, bike, run...until I can do each segment smoothly.
Then I plan on combining /transitioning between two segments.
I am getting really excited to start training. It should be a lot of fun!
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Joy -fully it has been a Year!
We have all heard that joy comes from within...when you encounter joy your body reacts...either with that shiver...or your mind becomes so full ...or your break out in a smile...
This year has been a year of joy for me.
Last April 23rd the last thing I wanted to do was show up for my scheduled Personal Training session and I remember driving he 2 miles as slow as possible. The closer I got the more that little voice was saying turn around...forget it...don't do will make a fool of yourself...
I didn't listen...
I am finding this really hard to put into words.
All along I knew there was an athlete waiting to escape. As a child I was active and was pretty competent on any HS and in college I participated in sports...and I ran...I loved to run...but then life happened...I collapsed emotionally and physically. In the span of 2 years I became a wife, a mother and was a teacher...all roles that served others...
And like many of us women out there we put ourselves...mind body and soul second...third...fourth...
I have no regrets...I love my husband...children and my profession...but I don't really think I loved myself...
I didn't love myself enough to take care of me...
Then one day as I was laying on my bed...drinking a DC...and probably eating chips...and watching TV...I said enough...This is suppose to be your year and you are blowing it! (I had determined 2012 to be my year...but didn't have specific plans)
It took me about a week to find someone that could tolerate me...I guess what I mean someone with enough patience to work with middle aged way out of shape person...
The rest is history...
Now I know most people think that we shouldn't put so much value on how you look...but dang does matter...weight...and body composition and healthy bones and muscles do matter...A LOT...but the joy I have gained ranks high up there too...really high!
I look in the mirror and I like what I see...I like the fact that my face is thinner...and not jiggly...I like the fact that I am more willing to wear colors...I like the fact that I don't try to blend into the background...I like the fact that my life has taken on a new purpose...
A new purpose?
People ask and I tell them...I encourage them and I share what I know works...
This year has been a year of joy for me.
Last April 23rd the last thing I wanted to do was show up for my scheduled Personal Training session and I remember driving he 2 miles as slow as possible. The closer I got the more that little voice was saying turn around...forget it...don't do will make a fool of yourself...
I didn't listen...
I am finding this really hard to put into words.
All along I knew there was an athlete waiting to escape. As a child I was active and was pretty competent on any HS and in college I participated in sports...and I ran...I loved to run...but then life happened...I collapsed emotionally and physically. In the span of 2 years I became a wife, a mother and was a teacher...all roles that served others...
And like many of us women out there we put ourselves...mind body and soul second...third...fourth...
I have no regrets...I love my husband...children and my profession...but I don't really think I loved myself...
I didn't love myself enough to take care of me...
Then one day as I was laying on my bed...drinking a DC...and probably eating chips...and watching TV...I said enough...This is suppose to be your year and you are blowing it! (I had determined 2012 to be my year...but didn't have specific plans)
It took me about a week to find someone that could tolerate me...I guess what I mean someone with enough patience to work with middle aged way out of shape person...
The rest is history...
Now I know most people think that we shouldn't put so much value on how you look...but dang does matter...weight...and body composition and healthy bones and muscles do matter...A LOT...but the joy I have gained ranks high up there too...really high!
I look in the mirror and I like what I see...I like the fact that my face is thinner...and not jiggly...I like the fact that I am more willing to wear colors...I like the fact that I don't try to blend into the background...I like the fact that my life has taken on a new purpose...
A new purpose?
People ask and I tell them...I encourage them and I share what I know works...
Monday, April 22, 2013
Diet Coke--less...It has been a year!
A year ago life as I knew it changed..yep changed...the first being that I cold turkey quit Diet Coke..well I guess that wasn't the first thing that happened...
A year ago this past week I was at a physical therapy appointment. At this appointment I had asked my therapist if he knew of any personal trainers... the rest is history...
I met with the trainer he recommended on a Saturday morning (April 21) It was an interesting meeting where I was asked what my goals would be...huh? What? To lose weight, duh! But as I was soon to learn that wasn't clear enough...
The next day...Sunday...I drank my last Diet Coke...yep the last one...I was walking into Sunday School toting my last Diet the time I didn't realize that it was going to be my last one but it was...
Later in the day I was thinking about my first session of training...scared to sick to my stomach scared...and it was then that I decided that "IT" was going to be an all or nothing deal...I was going to cut out all the "bad" in my life to make "THIS" work...So I decided that come Monday morning I was NOT going to drink a Diet COKE on my way to work or at all...NOW..anyone that knows me...knows that I went to MCDONALDS every single solitary day to buy a LARGE Diet Coke..and that it didn't stop there...usually 2-3 cans more...So you can imagine how distraught my mind and body was that Monday!
I made it through the day, went home, and finally told my family that I was going to a training session. My first one was like at 4pm. I went...
This was on April 23rd...
Like I stated above I was scared but maybe intimidated is a better word. What was I thinking? Well whatever it was ended up being okay because I haven't looked back since.
Here are some memories ...I remember not knowing how to do anything Chris was asking me to do...lunges...ball curls etc....I did recognize things like crunches and push ups...oh and you know those big ole fireman ropes? Eh...nasty!
I remember coming home after the first many sessions and passing out on the couch literally not being able to move! I remember being so sick the first the second week but didn't let it stop me....I mean I was barely able to talk...
I remember when something clicked and I started thinking about changing some of my eating habits...I think it was eating yogurt and protein shakes....still two of my favorite things..
I remember when I got on the scale and weighing more...thought I was going to die! But I also remember when I lost that first 5...I was jumping for joy inside and out! I also remember Chris handing me the 5 pound weight so I could actually feel what I lost!
I remember the time going on and my students seeing changes.. They were so sweet. I remember clearing out all the junk food in my desk and giving it to them!
I remember and still have this big bad ugly blister from walking ...and having to switch to biking because of it..
I remember once school was over and training in the morning and feeling super energized on those days.
I remember going to the Farmers Market and really getting excited about all the new foods I wanted to try...
Slowly my life was changing ...
Other memories include Boot Camp and Ultimate Frisbee and shopping for summer clothes sizes smaller family noticing...restructuring my life...
My trip to NYC....only willing to stay at hotels that had fitness rooms and hot yoga...
I remember sending Laura off to AZ and her coming home shocked at how I was changing...
Going to the State Fair and sharing some old favorites and searching out healthier options...
And then going back to work and seeing the reactions of my co-workers...
I could go on and on...and as I write this I remember more things...this has truly been a journey that has changed me inside and out...
Tomorrow ....more reflections!
A year ago this past week I was at a physical therapy appointment. At this appointment I had asked my therapist if he knew of any personal trainers... the rest is history...
I met with the trainer he recommended on a Saturday morning (April 21) It was an interesting meeting where I was asked what my goals would be...huh? What? To lose weight, duh! But as I was soon to learn that wasn't clear enough...
The next day...Sunday...I drank my last Diet Coke...yep the last one...I was walking into Sunday School toting my last Diet the time I didn't realize that it was going to be my last one but it was...
Later in the day I was thinking about my first session of training...scared to sick to my stomach scared...and it was then that I decided that "IT" was going to be an all or nothing deal...I was going to cut out all the "bad" in my life to make "THIS" work...So I decided that come Monday morning I was NOT going to drink a Diet COKE on my way to work or at all...NOW..anyone that knows me...knows that I went to MCDONALDS every single solitary day to buy a LARGE Diet Coke..and that it didn't stop there...usually 2-3 cans more...So you can imagine how distraught my mind and body was that Monday!
I made it through the day, went home, and finally told my family that I was going to a training session. My first one was like at 4pm. I went...
This was on April 23rd...
Like I stated above I was scared but maybe intimidated is a better word. What was I thinking? Well whatever it was ended up being okay because I haven't looked back since.
Here are some memories ...I remember not knowing how to do anything Chris was asking me to do...lunges...ball curls etc....I did recognize things like crunches and push ups...oh and you know those big ole fireman ropes? Eh...nasty!
I remember coming home after the first many sessions and passing out on the couch literally not being able to move! I remember being so sick the first the second week but didn't let it stop me....I mean I was barely able to talk...
I remember when something clicked and I started thinking about changing some of my eating habits...I think it was eating yogurt and protein shakes....still two of my favorite things..
I remember when I got on the scale and weighing more...thought I was going to die! But I also remember when I lost that first 5...I was jumping for joy inside and out! I also remember Chris handing me the 5 pound weight so I could actually feel what I lost!
I remember the time going on and my students seeing changes.. They were so sweet. I remember clearing out all the junk food in my desk and giving it to them!
I remember and still have this big bad ugly blister from walking ...and having to switch to biking because of it..
I remember once school was over and training in the morning and feeling super energized on those days.
I remember going to the Farmers Market and really getting excited about all the new foods I wanted to try...
Slowly my life was changing ...
Other memories include Boot Camp and Ultimate Frisbee and shopping for summer clothes sizes smaller family noticing...restructuring my life...
My trip to NYC....only willing to stay at hotels that had fitness rooms and hot yoga...
I remember sending Laura off to AZ and her coming home shocked at how I was changing...
Going to the State Fair and sharing some old favorites and searching out healthier options...
And then going back to work and seeing the reactions of my co-workers...
I could go on and on...and as I write this I remember more things...this has truly been a journey that has changed me inside and out...
Tomorrow ....more reflections!
Friday, April 12, 2013
Friday's Fave Five!
Susanne @ Living to Tell The Story continues this fun meme...I use to participate under my old blog and have thought about it a I am back under a new blog...So...I have to tell you about my five favorites from this week...(I might stretch this to this month ...)
1. Okay...I don't think I have participated in Friday's Fave Five for over a I am going to start with something really cool from this year...I have gone from this this.....
2. Right before Easter...we got to spend Spring Break in Arizona with my daughter and boyfriend. I have never been in Arizona and it was such a fun fun break.
3. About a week and half ago (little less) I had surgery on my neck. No it wasn't a favorite but what was was the outpouring of love and support I received from those closest to me! I am healing and am looking forward to getting back to my "normal" "regular" life!
4. Another favorite is surgery related! My husband and daughter have been so supportive and patient with me. I am so thankful.
5. Today is Friday! Woot! I have some decent plans for the am looking forward to that...that can be a favorite, right?
Because this is my newer blog...I am hoping some of you will stick around!
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Celebrating Two Things in One WAY...RAOK...Go...
Back in 2010...I turned 50! In my attempt to minimize my attitude toward the big birthday I decided to do some Random Acts of Kindness....
You can read about here....
So today I was thinking about all those fun things I did I decided to do it again...Obviously I have fewer days to do them...but I have two reasons to celebrate...
My birthday...May 3rd and the anniversary of changing my life April 23rd...
Starting today and working toward 4/23 and 5/3 I am vowing to do as many RAOKs that I can...
Some will be simple and automatic and some will be more thought out...
I love watching peoples reaction when they are my victims...hehe...and I love spending time planning and prepping!
When I turned 50 I did 50 Random Acts...I know I won't be able to do that many but will try to do as many as possible!
Do you want to join in? If can post them on my timeline on Facebook!
Super Excited!
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
Snow in Minnesota??? update and this and that...
Okay so all over facebook and blogland there is talk of the BIG snowfall about to happen...PEOPLE...we can't control the weather...just roll with it!
Surgery went well...and I am recovering...each day I feel better but am still tired and achy. I am so amazed at the service provided at Woodwinds Hospital...I think most of them like there jobs or they are good fakers! has been a week since I last worked far I am realizing that I can't but that doesn't stop me from wanting...and far my pants still fit!
I have some good things happening this month and things I am working on and towards.
Oh man...since our trip to AZ and Easter it has been really hard for me to stay eating clean and healthy. This has been the first time that I have cheated on myself. And have been really down about it. I purposely flowed with whatever in AZ...thankfully my family there are eating healthy most of the time...but we all easily talked each other into pizza and sandwiches. Oh and bags of chocolate...But we had so much fun and relaxed and worked out that it balanced out...My point being is I wanted to keep eating those things when I got home...It wasn't like I planned it or didn't plan just happened. That dang inner voice...the one I trained myself to ignore kept yacking...and truthly I didn't care...YES I really did but I also think the anxiety of surgery played a bigger part...Since being back at work I am doing much better...
A Story or two or Five..
I finally ordered the workbook a Storyline by Donald Miller. It takes you thru the process of your life so far and helps you to develop roles and ambitions...well a story for the rest of your life... Anyway...while I was laid up in bed I worked thru about half of it. It has been a great process...AND the cool thing is while working on it I came up with an IDEA...and tonight I am going to start working on the IDEA...I am excited to see what comes of it...
In the last few weeks I fielded some not meant to be mean comments but I took them as annoying mean comments...both of which were about my weight...It took me awhile to blow them off...and really I haven't blown them off...otherwise I wouldn't be mentioning them here...
So onward and upward...
Surgery went well...and I am recovering...each day I feel better but am still tired and achy. I am so amazed at the service provided at Woodwinds Hospital...I think most of them like there jobs or they are good fakers! has been a week since I last worked far I am realizing that I can't but that doesn't stop me from wanting...and far my pants still fit!
I have some good things happening this month and things I am working on and towards.
Oh man...since our trip to AZ and Easter it has been really hard for me to stay eating clean and healthy. This has been the first time that I have cheated on myself. And have been really down about it. I purposely flowed with whatever in AZ...thankfully my family there are eating healthy most of the time...but we all easily talked each other into pizza and sandwiches. Oh and bags of chocolate...But we had so much fun and relaxed and worked out that it balanced out...My point being is I wanted to keep eating those things when I got home...It wasn't like I planned it or didn't plan just happened. That dang inner voice...the one I trained myself to ignore kept yacking...and truthly I didn't care...YES I really did but I also think the anxiety of surgery played a bigger part...Since being back at work I am doing much better...
A Story or two or Five..
I finally ordered the workbook a Storyline by Donald Miller. It takes you thru the process of your life so far and helps you to develop roles and ambitions...well a story for the rest of your life... Anyway...while I was laid up in bed I worked thru about half of it. It has been a great process...AND the cool thing is while working on it I came up with an IDEA...and tonight I am going to start working on the IDEA...I am excited to see what comes of it...
In the last few weeks I fielded some not meant to be mean comments but I took them as annoying mean comments...both of which were about my weight...It took me awhile to blow them off...and really I haven't blown them off...otherwise I wouldn't be mentioning them here...
So onward and upward...
Monday, April 1, 2013
Surgery and beyond...
On Wednesday I will be having surgery. I am having a herniated disc removed in my neck! I could give you all the medical terminology but to be honest I don't get it at all..the short of it is the doctor will be making a small incision in my neck and then take out the disc...tah dah! No I am not really nervous...but I am anxious...I will explain that later...
I will be going to the hospital by 5:45 and prep for surgery...I am thinking that it will start around 7? At least that is my plan! I have complete confidence in Dr Barti of St Croix Orthopedic....He comes highly regarded.
I am still not sure if I will be home Wednesday afternoon or spending the night. The doc says outpatient and the nurse says overnight...I guess time will tell...
It is no secret that nearly a year ago I started training with a Personal has been amazing. I have dedicated myself to this adventure and it has paid off a million has been my focus for 11 months plus...
This is where surgery and healing come in. My doctor briefly mentioned that I won't be able to lift much for a month .....a MONTH...that is like 30 in May 3rd (ahem my birthday) before I can possibly work out again!
Since January I have been working out most everyday...5 days a week with maybe 2-3 days plus Spring Break not getting to workout is really stressful! Stop rolling your eyes!
I have been advised to really listen to the doctors warnings about activity otherwise the healing process can get messed up!
Because of this surgery I have placed my focus and energy into planning some training this spring...
More to come later about that!
I will be going to the hospital by 5:45 and prep for surgery...I am thinking that it will start around 7? At least that is my plan! I have complete confidence in Dr Barti of St Croix Orthopedic....He comes highly regarded.
I am still not sure if I will be home Wednesday afternoon or spending the night. The doc says outpatient and the nurse says overnight...I guess time will tell...
It is no secret that nearly a year ago I started training with a Personal has been amazing. I have dedicated myself to this adventure and it has paid off a million has been my focus for 11 months plus...
This is where surgery and healing come in. My doctor briefly mentioned that I won't be able to lift much for a month .....a MONTH...that is like 30 in May 3rd (ahem my birthday) before I can possibly work out again!
Since January I have been working out most everyday...5 days a week with maybe 2-3 days plus Spring Break not getting to workout is really stressful! Stop rolling your eyes!
I have been advised to really listen to the doctors warnings about activity otherwise the healing process can get messed up!
Because of this surgery I have placed my focus and energy into planning some training this spring...
More to come later about that!
Sunday, March 24, 2013
It Paid Off!
Today we went on a 5 mile hike in Sedona! Up and down and gravel..slippery and wet...we walked it all!
The trail ended at a creek and while the others crossed over I sat on the rocks! It is here I reflected once thanks for the second chance at a healthy life!
I was pretty impressed with my body's reaction or lack of reaction ...yes I breathed a little heavy but not once did I feel like I needed to stop..even after a little slip!
I saw an older woman out on the trail running and that looked that maybe something I look into!
The trail ended at a creek and while the others crossed over I sat on the rocks! It is here I reflected once thanks for the second chance at a healthy life!
I was pretty impressed with my body's reaction or lack of reaction ...yes I breathed a little heavy but not once did I feel like I needed to stop..even after a little slip!
I saw an older woman out on the trail running and that looked that maybe something I look into!
Saturday, March 23, 2013
March Madness = March Happiness
The Minnesota Gophers are making this month of madness something to cheer about...the women's hockey team is set to play for the national title and the men's basketball team is proving to be a team to be aware of...go Gophers...
Another fun thing happening today is my half brother, Steve Thayer, is celebrating his 60th birthday! What a rockstar! Memories of Steve go far and deep..while in my youth he was someone I was able to lean on and be a pesty teen around!
Happy Birthday Steve!
Today is March 23rd and I have my own celebration going on in my head! Today marks 11 months since I started this journey to wellness!
I want to share with you some clarification from my last entry! I was not a sad nor depressed kid growing up! I had a great childhood filled with lots and lots of Joy! We had the best Christmases...filled with family and friends...birthdays never passed without some sort of party...and a bike on our 6th birthday ...oh and the camping memories ...we travelled far and wide..Black Hills, Hayward, Brainerd etc!
My last entry was only meant as an explanation of how messages can mess with your head and cause you to not take care of yourself. My mother was not evil she has had bad messages planted in her head and the cycle continues if one is not careful...
I have learned so much over these last 11months. I have learned..
-To push my body
-To eat right
-That I control what goes into my mouth
-That I really don't need diet coke or anything caffeinated
-That in the right setting and with the right people working out can be awesome
-That my love for running is REAL
-That I am indeed getting older but that I can slow down the affects
-That when you make the choice to change you will lose some friends...BUT make new ones too!!
-that through good examples I can teach others how to make changes (Lydia)
-oh oh oh I have learned to listen to my take breaks and that it is okay to splurge...or cheat!
But the best thing I have learned is to...
Look up and into the mirror and LOVE what I see!
Another fun thing happening today is my half brother, Steve Thayer, is celebrating his 60th birthday! What a rockstar! Memories of Steve go far and deep..while in my youth he was someone I was able to lean on and be a pesty teen around!
Happy Birthday Steve!
Today is March 23rd and I have my own celebration going on in my head! Today marks 11 months since I started this journey to wellness!
I want to share with you some clarification from my last entry! I was not a sad nor depressed kid growing up! I had a great childhood filled with lots and lots of Joy! We had the best Christmases...filled with family and friends...birthdays never passed without some sort of party...and a bike on our 6th birthday ...oh and the camping memories ...we travelled far and wide..Black Hills, Hayward, Brainerd etc!
My last entry was only meant as an explanation of how messages can mess with your head and cause you to not take care of yourself. My mother was not evil she has had bad messages planted in her head and the cycle continues if one is not careful...
I have learned so much over these last 11months. I have learned..
-To push my body
-To eat right
-That I control what goes into my mouth
-That I really don't need diet coke or anything caffeinated
-That in the right setting and with the right people working out can be awesome
-That my love for running is REAL
-That I am indeed getting older but that I can slow down the affects
-That when you make the choice to change you will lose some friends...BUT make new ones too!!
-that through good examples I can teach others how to make changes (Lydia)
-oh oh oh I have learned to listen to my take breaks and that it is okay to splurge...or cheat!
But the best thing I have learned is to...
Look up and into the mirror and LOVE what I see!
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Big(gest)Loser...11 months going strong...
The last couple weeks of Biggest Loser really hit me the heart! I cried listening to their stories...the parts of how and why their bodies got out of control...their feelings of loss and unworthiness!
I CAN totally relate...
First off let me tell you that I now know that I am good person and worthy of all that is good in this world...but I have come to realize that that hasn't always been the truth...I was given some pretty strong messages growing up that were hard to shake...but when getting them I didn't know any better..
Disclaimer: What I am about to write is not meant to hurt is my story..part of me that I feel needs to be told...I love my family and I have no regrets...
Growing up...from the age of lets say 10 on up I knew I was an athlete. But back then there wasn't many outlets for females in the athletic world...but in the 4th grade I remember a girls softball team forming and I eagerly signing up...and playing and loving it...BUT NO ONE ever came to watch me play..NO ONE... I went on to play Volleyball and Softball in High School and never had a spectator
Growing up...I was warned to not get pregnant...(duh) BECAUSE I would not have anyone to help me raise that I never really had relationships with boys in my teens...
Growing up...My dad died when I was 15 going on this day I miss my dad..I wonder what my life would have been...but then I realize that I wouldn't probably have my husband or no regrets just wonderment and occasional sadness...
Growing up...I was encouraged to drink and smoke cigarettes because it was the only way I would stay thin...
I have to say here that I was not overweight in High School...I wasn't thin...but not big...It was in college that I started putting on weight...again not huge..just not thin...
When I became an adult....and was pretty sure I was going to be engaged (actually I knew I was going to be cuz I told my then go buy me a ring with his tax return...he did) I was told to not show off my ring because it wasn't THAT big of a deal...
So as you can see I was given some pretty strong messages about self-worth. Another message I got was that I should idolize males..especially my brother...and to just stay quiet when he was being rude......(I love my brother..he is a good person and great dad)
Please remember that I was well educated at this time...I had spent 4 years on my own...
Somewhere along the way I received one of those books that was from my mother...where she filled out the statements...
One that resonated with me was: One thing I worry about ________________ (the blank was filled in with "your weight" WHAT?
I was able to push many of these messages aside because I met a pretty fantastic man...someone who loved me for who I was...we started a family pretty much right away...and I loved being a mom...and I adored my children...I dedicated my life to them...I think I went to every event they were involved in...except one YMCA camp thing and some track meets (I am still sad about those Lindsay!)
I put on lots of weight while pregnant...but I didn't really focus on that because I can really say I was happy...and busy...and working full time...
But those messages I mentioned above never really went away...I played and replayed them over and over...and stuffed my feelings...and fell in love (lol) with Diet Coke and chips and Girl Scout cookies and candy...and processed food...
One 2012 I woke up...and I said enough...stop the pity party...I thought long and hard about the messages I was given growing up and said ENOUGH...
It was in 2012 that I decided that I have a lot to lose...if I didn't get my health back...if I didn't start taking care of myself..
So here it is 2013...2012 was amazing..2013 is looking up to be even better...
I am planning to keep working on my body
To find a sport to play...maybe Tennis
To train for and complete a Triathlon
I am still working on letting all those messages go...and to love myself!
Saturday, February 9, 2013
Eating and Working Out
My journey to a new and healthier lifestyle has brought about eating changes. I guess this is a no brainer. I am not an advocate of all the programs out just doesn't interest me to count points or calories or to take pills. I am not saying that it is wrong or bad...just not something I can keep up with. I know myself well enough, I guess!
What I do do is really concentrate on staying away from carbs and sugar. Surprisingly it hasn't been too hard to do. I won't deny the fact that I do crave sugar (especially chocolate) monthly(TMI...but true) but other than that nothing much else. I quit diet coke all together and haven't even considered it part of my life since. We buy very little bread products...Lydia does like her sandwiches and bagels but again it doesn't phase me.
When I do get hungry I go for fruits...and sometime veggies...Here is what a typical day looks like for me:
5:00-- wake up if I plan on a run outside before work OR
5:30--wake up
5:45-- eat breakfast which consists of : low fat Oatmeal, protein shake and a banana
Sometime between 9:00 and 9:45--I eat a piece of fruit, maybe two..
12:00--Lunch which consists of big salad of spinch, berries, grilled chicken, croutons, cukes and low fat dressing and Greek yogurt...and a piece of fruit if still hungry
2:30 ish I will eat something protein based ...usually a protein bar...sometimes a protein shake
I work out during the week from 3-5...resistance and cardio...lifting and running (treadmill)
5:00--I nosh on a banana or some veggies
5:30--dinner is usually chicken and a steamed veggie or soup (Chicken Enchilada soup) or chicken tacos, sometime porkloin and veggies
I try to limit myself to this during the day...but will sometimes (many times lol) have a snack..which is fruit or something crunchy like wheat thins or pita chips or trail mixes (no salt)
Ideally I am done with all eating by 7pm...
My goal is to get protein at every meal and to drink lots of water in between meals!
What I do do is really concentrate on staying away from carbs and sugar. Surprisingly it hasn't been too hard to do. I won't deny the fact that I do crave sugar (especially chocolate) monthly(TMI...but true) but other than that nothing much else. I quit diet coke all together and haven't even considered it part of my life since. We buy very little bread products...Lydia does like her sandwiches and bagels but again it doesn't phase me.
When I do get hungry I go for fruits...and sometime veggies...Here is what a typical day looks like for me:
5:00-- wake up if I plan on a run outside before work OR
5:30--wake up
5:45-- eat breakfast which consists of : low fat Oatmeal, protein shake and a banana
Sometime between 9:00 and 9:45--I eat a piece of fruit, maybe two..
12:00--Lunch which consists of big salad of spinch, berries, grilled chicken, croutons, cukes and low fat dressing and Greek yogurt...and a piece of fruit if still hungry
2:30 ish I will eat something protein based ...usually a protein bar...sometimes a protein shake
I work out during the week from 3-5...resistance and cardio...lifting and running (treadmill)
5:00--I nosh on a banana or some veggies
5:30--dinner is usually chicken and a steamed veggie or soup (Chicken Enchilada soup) or chicken tacos, sometime porkloin and veggies
I try to limit myself to this during the day...but will sometimes (many times lol) have a snack..which is fruit or something crunchy like wheat thins or pita chips or trail mixes (no salt)
Ideally I am done with all eating by 7pm...
My goal is to get protein at every meal and to drink lots of water in between meals!
Sum it UP Friday errr Saturday
Yikes another week has come and gone and I missed my Friday Sum it up! So here goes on a Saturday..
This past week has been a whirlwind.
Physical: On Wednesday I had my orthopedic surgeon consult on my issues in my neck. Basically, I need to strengthen my tricep in my left arm by the end of this month. If I can get it within the 80-90% of my right arm I am good and nothing has to be done...if not...well...something will need to happen but I can't remember what he said but he did say it would be a simple thing...whatever that means! Other than that...I have dropped a couple more pounds..and continue to work out daily for a couple hours. I am really enjoying this time and it energizes me til Friday when I crash early!
Social: Last Saturday Lydia and I went to the Mall with my co-worker Laura. We just walked around and chatted and ooed and awed over her adorable little guy Soren. It was lots of fun! This weekend I am going over to another friends house for a game night! It should be fun!
Career: Again a busy full week at work...nothing surprising there. Oh I did get to go to the State Capital this week and lobbying for some educational issues. I found it to be facinating and look forward to doing more union work. good stuff!
This past week has been a whirlwind.
Physical: On Wednesday I had my orthopedic surgeon consult on my issues in my neck. Basically, I need to strengthen my tricep in my left arm by the end of this month. If I can get it within the 80-90% of my right arm I am good and nothing has to be done...if not...well...something will need to happen but I can't remember what he said but he did say it would be a simple thing...whatever that means! Other than that...I have dropped a couple more pounds..and continue to work out daily for a couple hours. I am really enjoying this time and it energizes me til Friday when I crash early!
Social: Last Saturday Lydia and I went to the Mall with my co-worker Laura. We just walked around and chatted and ooed and awed over her adorable little guy Soren. It was lots of fun! This weekend I am going over to another friends house for a game night! It should be fun!
Career: Again a busy full week at work...nothing surprising there. Oh I did get to go to the State Capital this week and lobbying for some educational issues. I found it to be facinating and look forward to doing more union work. good stuff!
Friday, February 1, 2013
Its Friday...Time to Sum it all Up!
This week has been a tell all type of has been good and not so has been a week of finding out of what I'm made...or something like that!
I am about to complete my 3rd week of working out 5 (in a structured way) days a week. So out of the last 15 days I have worked out 14 of them. It is this week that I have seen and felt some changes to my body and I like it! lol I really like being on the clock as it challenges me to work harder and to think more about what I am doing. I like the consistency of working out every day. I have made good eating choices this week. I have decided that if I really want to lose these last 8 pounds that I need to stop the "one bite" here and there stuff and I have... All in all a good week of lots of positive fitness!!
This week I have been more motivated to work with the students on personal issues. I have been pushing some to be honest with what they are doing with their lives. I have confronted them and called some parents. Hopefully it will work out to their benefit. It has felt good to let some of the other parts of the job go for a few days and just focus on the reasons why I went into teaching the type of students that I do.
Not much to report on in this area. It continues to be something I want..I want more things to do..Lydia and I did go to the Science Museum and it was fun, but I need other "stuff", too. I have to admit this week I have been so tired and have had no energy to do much, but I also don't think I ever will during the work week. I am going bowling and out for dinner with my sister in law and nieces. It should be lots of fun!
I am reading two books...One is called...The Primal Connection by Mark Sisson. He is the author of the Paleo Diet stuff. I am finding this to be an interesting read and informative. Much is common sense but some is eye opening. It is about being able to live fully with all the modern day interruptions and getting in touch with your true self. The other is called Behind the Beautiful Forevers. It is about life in the under city of Mumbai. I am finding it to be heart wrenching. I am not too far into it so no other endorsement yet.
Another cool thing I have discovered this week has been Archtypeme It is a quiz that you take and then it identifies you in three categories. The cool thing is it then leads you to a page that has all sort of fun and informative things according to your categories. So cool!
So this has been my week! What have you been up to?
I am about to complete my 3rd week of working out 5 (in a structured way) days a week. So out of the last 15 days I have worked out 14 of them. It is this week that I have seen and felt some changes to my body and I like it! lol I really like being on the clock as it challenges me to work harder and to think more about what I am doing. I like the consistency of working out every day. I have made good eating choices this week. I have decided that if I really want to lose these last 8 pounds that I need to stop the "one bite" here and there stuff and I have... All in all a good week of lots of positive fitness!!
This week I have been more motivated to work with the students on personal issues. I have been pushing some to be honest with what they are doing with their lives. I have confronted them and called some parents. Hopefully it will work out to their benefit. It has felt good to let some of the other parts of the job go for a few days and just focus on the reasons why I went into teaching the type of students that I do.
Not much to report on in this area. It continues to be something I want..I want more things to do..Lydia and I did go to the Science Museum and it was fun, but I need other "stuff", too. I have to admit this week I have been so tired and have had no energy to do much, but I also don't think I ever will during the work week. I am going bowling and out for dinner with my sister in law and nieces. It should be lots of fun!
I am reading two books...One is called...The Primal Connection by Mark Sisson. He is the author of the Paleo Diet stuff. I am finding this to be an interesting read and informative. Much is common sense but some is eye opening. It is about being able to live fully with all the modern day interruptions and getting in touch with your true self. The other is called Behind the Beautiful Forevers. It is about life in the under city of Mumbai. I am finding it to be heart wrenching. I am not too far into it so no other endorsement yet.
Another cool thing I have discovered this week has been Archtypeme It is a quiz that you take and then it identifies you in three categories. The cool thing is it then leads you to a page that has all sort of fun and informative things according to your categories. So cool!
So this has been my week! What have you been up to?
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Making my own assumptions: Being overweight and age! I sit...full of anticipation ....surprised that I have already heard from my doctor about my MRI.. I had mixed emotions but first I went into complete doom...something I always fall to...but then I did a little research (at the urging of a friend) and I found out that it isn't as bad as it first seemed. I do have an appointment with an orthopedic clinic and will find out a course of action.
From what I gathered from the preliminary reading of the MRI is that I have a herniated disc...and then some narrowing of something (lol) in two other areas.
And the additional frustrating part is that the common causes are directly related to aging and weight. One thing I am controlling and control...
So yet another reason why we should all be encouraging our youth to stay physically fit. I can't even begin to tell you how sad and upset I was to learn that maybe I wouldn't be able to continue working out or not be able to run...or that I would put weight back on...I know I went to the most awful to me thoughts first, but stinks to think those things.
From what I gathered from the preliminary reading of the MRI is that I have a herniated disc...and then some narrowing of something (lol) in two other areas.
And the additional frustrating part is that the common causes are directly related to aging and weight. One thing I am controlling and control...
So yet another reason why we should all be encouraging our youth to stay physically fit. I can't even begin to tell you how sad and upset I was to learn that maybe I wouldn't be able to continue working out or not be able to run...or that I would put weight back on...I know I went to the most awful to me thoughts first, but stinks to think those things.
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Nine Months!!
March 2012
January 2013
On April 23rd I attended my first work out...January 23rd I am still at it ....
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Yes from Within...
The other day I received a lovely message on Facebook from one of the kindest people I know. She is a friend from High School. Facebook is a wonderful place to re-connect. Anyway..her is part of the message...
..would you consider talking about how you reached the point of wanting to make all of these changes in your life? And how, for all of these changes to be effective and become permanent, they have to come from within...?
I responded back with a quick reply..."sure...that will be my next post"
So here is my response...
Pretty much right out of college (1982) I met a pretty nice 1984 we got married and in 1985 I had a baby...this was 100 pounds later...yep...I did put on about 100 pounds with my first pregnancy. I was so infatuated with my new life...marriage and being a new mom...that the weight didn't really even bother me. I can truly say that I wasn't really that affected by it. I did take off some weight, not really trying... and then in 1988 baby number two arrived and so did some additional poundage...again loving my life...being a teacher etc I just carried on. We did all the normal parenting things...all the normal activities and continued with our lives. We ate good...and I loved all the junk. Shortly after baby 2 arrived I began working for Wilder Foundation...became very busy balancing home and career...changing careers by going back into teaching and 10 years after #2 number #3 came along...with about 20 more pounds. I was significantly in the 200 plus pound range. I knew I wasn't healthy...but to be honest with dance classes, Girl Scouts, summer activities and work...and now a third child who really had time to take care of themselves? And again I never really bought into all the "you should look this way or act this way or appear this way..." So my life continued...two daughters graduated HS and attended college and graduated college and moved on different states...I suddenly felt like my life was pitiful...I still have daughter #3...and still her stuff to contend too...but it really started to slow down and I found myself drinking more Diet Coke and eating more chips and more Girl Scout cookies...we also went through some emotional highs and lows...which caused lots of emotional eating...lots and lots...
I knew I had to make a change...
I deemed 2012 to be my year
But it didn't necessarily include weight first...I tried to make and keep other goals...but nothing seemed to work...nothing seemed to inspire me and I truly wasn't very happy. So unhappy that I really couldn't even focus or look myself in the mirror...
I needed to make a change...After getting therapy on my knee and really having to focus on my lack of physicality...I knew the change had to come from within...and I knew it had to be something physical...I was so worried about being a burden to my children as I grew older...I knew that I wanted to enjoy my mid life and I knew neither were going to happen if I didn't do something with my body...MY BODY!
So in April I pursued finding a way to get my physical act together...
And it has been a journey...a happy journey. It is happy because it was my decision and something I always knew I could do. I always liked doing exercise and knew that it would be the secret to my success..whenever that success was to happen.
So 9 months later...many pounds lost...many inches gone...I am a much happier person inside and out...I have a focus (and it is me) I am enjoying life...My job doesn't stress me half as much as it use to and I am making friends. I also find myself helping and encouraging others.
So there you have it...a chapter in my life called Yes from Within...
..would you consider talking about how you reached the point of wanting to make all of these changes in your life? And how, for all of these changes to be effective and become permanent, they have to come from within...?
I responded back with a quick reply..."sure...that will be my next post"
So here is my response...
Pretty much right out of college (1982) I met a pretty nice 1984 we got married and in 1985 I had a baby...this was 100 pounds later...yep...I did put on about 100 pounds with my first pregnancy. I was so infatuated with my new life...marriage and being a new mom...that the weight didn't really even bother me. I can truly say that I wasn't really that affected by it. I did take off some weight, not really trying... and then in 1988 baby number two arrived and so did some additional poundage...again loving my life...being a teacher etc I just carried on. We did all the normal parenting things...all the normal activities and continued with our lives. We ate good...and I loved all the junk. Shortly after baby 2 arrived I began working for Wilder Foundation...became very busy balancing home and career...changing careers by going back into teaching and 10 years after #2 number #3 came along...with about 20 more pounds. I was significantly in the 200 plus pound range. I knew I wasn't healthy...but to be honest with dance classes, Girl Scouts, summer activities and work...and now a third child who really had time to take care of themselves? And again I never really bought into all the "you should look this way or act this way or appear this way..." So my life continued...two daughters graduated HS and attended college and graduated college and moved on different states...I suddenly felt like my life was pitiful...I still have daughter #3...and still her stuff to contend too...but it really started to slow down and I found myself drinking more Diet Coke and eating more chips and more Girl Scout cookies...we also went through some emotional highs and lows...which caused lots of emotional eating...lots and lots...
I knew I had to make a change...
I deemed 2012 to be my year
But it didn't necessarily include weight first...I tried to make and keep other goals...but nothing seemed to work...nothing seemed to inspire me and I truly wasn't very happy. So unhappy that I really couldn't even focus or look myself in the mirror...
I needed to make a change...After getting therapy on my knee and really having to focus on my lack of physicality...I knew the change had to come from within...and I knew it had to be something physical...I was so worried about being a burden to my children as I grew older...I knew that I wanted to enjoy my mid life and I knew neither were going to happen if I didn't do something with my body...MY BODY!
So in April I pursued finding a way to get my physical act together...
And it has been a journey...a happy journey. It is happy because it was my decision and something I always knew I could do. I always liked doing exercise and knew that it would be the secret to my success..whenever that success was to happen.
So 9 months later...many pounds lost...many inches gone...I am a much happier person inside and out...I have a focus (and it is me) I am enjoying life...My job doesn't stress me half as much as it use to and I am making friends. I also find myself helping and encouraging others.
So there you have it...a chapter in my life called Yes from Within...
Sunday, January 20, 2013
This and That...
Sitting here in my sweats and reflecting on my has been an interesting full week. My blog is intended to be a reflection and reinvention of my myself....
Yoga! What a surprise! I like it! It has been a pleasant surprise...I did 3 classes of Bikram Yoga in New York this summer and it was good. I had every intention of looking for a studio here in MN but never got around to following when my friend Melissa told me about the Moksha studio that she has been going to I invited myself along. It is hot yoga and the class we are going to is cardio based. Today we went in the early afternoon and there were lots and lots of people...and a few excessively sweaty boys...Today we both felt calmer and relaxed with lots of energy afterward! Looking forward to going again!
Workouts! This week I was prompted to switch up my workouts. In the past 8 plus months I have been working out two times a week with my trainer and then doing cardio on my own..mostly running outside. This week I started out doing a workout in more of a class environment...2-3 of us right is the same stuff I have been doing...but with breaks...I really like going every day...the consistency...the intensity...and the ME time! It has really helped me focus on how to make it a priority but also how to "keep" living, also! Rachael, a coworker, has been attending with me and it has been fun having a cardio buddy!
Work! What can I say. Thankfully the kid part of work is going well. I really enjoy the teens in my classes. A couple of my students have really been struggling and I have been trying to help them. It is hard to step in when it really should be their parents. We had conferences this week and that always throughs me off...long day and night..I should say that all parts of work are going okay. I just don't like to do all the "other" stuff that is required! But who does?
Illness! So on Friday after my workout I was feeling icky! I had errands to run and upon getting home I was disoriented! First thing I thought was the FLU! I crashed for a couple hours, ate some dinner, and drank a lot a lot of water and felt back to normal! I think it was all because I didn't eat on my usual schedule...that will teach me!
Social! Okay so one of my goals for this year was to become more social! It isn't really a resolution but something that I need to bring back into my life. Raising kids you are sort of forced into the social circle that deals with their extra curricular activities...Girl Scouts, sports, Parent groups etc...well for the most part that is over for me..I do still have some Lydia stuff but not much. So I find myself at home quite a bit...ironically it is something I craved back in my busy days. I am needing to find things to do and places to be...Yesterday I started texting some friends telling them I am bored and that we should get together. All of them contacted me and said they were bored too! lol...So we are in the progress of lining up some "fun" stuff!
Weekend! This weekend has been so much so I haven't done much! lol...My house is a disaster...It is so cold that I have found myself wrapped up in blankets! Yoga has given me more energy but the cold has stopped me from using it!
Daughters! Lydia strained her back so had a doctor appointment on Friday. Her older sister and I both have lower back issues so it isn't totally surprising. The doctor did a nice job explaining it to her and what she needed to do. She has been following thru for the most part and hopefully it will be all better by the end of the week!
Lincoln! What a great movie! I was really wanting to go to a chic flick but no one could go with me so I settle on seeing Lincoln with the hubby! What a great great flick! I urge everyone to go! The line with the most impact on me "Can you just be liberal instead of your selfish self.." There were many humorous parts and some that surprised me!
So there you have it! I long complete week! How was your week?
Yoga! What a surprise! I like it! It has been a pleasant surprise...I did 3 classes of Bikram Yoga in New York this summer and it was good. I had every intention of looking for a studio here in MN but never got around to following when my friend Melissa told me about the Moksha studio that she has been going to I invited myself along. It is hot yoga and the class we are going to is cardio based. Today we went in the early afternoon and there were lots and lots of people...and a few excessively sweaty boys...Today we both felt calmer and relaxed with lots of energy afterward! Looking forward to going again!
Workouts! This week I was prompted to switch up my workouts. In the past 8 plus months I have been working out two times a week with my trainer and then doing cardio on my own..mostly running outside. This week I started out doing a workout in more of a class environment...2-3 of us right is the same stuff I have been doing...but with breaks...I really like going every day...the consistency...the intensity...and the ME time! It has really helped me focus on how to make it a priority but also how to "keep" living, also! Rachael, a coworker, has been attending with me and it has been fun having a cardio buddy!
Work! What can I say. Thankfully the kid part of work is going well. I really enjoy the teens in my classes. A couple of my students have really been struggling and I have been trying to help them. It is hard to step in when it really should be their parents. We had conferences this week and that always throughs me off...long day and night..I should say that all parts of work are going okay. I just don't like to do all the "other" stuff that is required! But who does?
Illness! So on Friday after my workout I was feeling icky! I had errands to run and upon getting home I was disoriented! First thing I thought was the FLU! I crashed for a couple hours, ate some dinner, and drank a lot a lot of water and felt back to normal! I think it was all because I didn't eat on my usual schedule...that will teach me!
Social! Okay so one of my goals for this year was to become more social! It isn't really a resolution but something that I need to bring back into my life. Raising kids you are sort of forced into the social circle that deals with their extra curricular activities...Girl Scouts, sports, Parent groups etc...well for the most part that is over for me..I do still have some Lydia stuff but not much. So I find myself at home quite a bit...ironically it is something I craved back in my busy days. I am needing to find things to do and places to be...Yesterday I started texting some friends telling them I am bored and that we should get together. All of them contacted me and said they were bored too! lol...So we are in the progress of lining up some "fun" stuff!
Weekend! This weekend has been so much so I haven't done much! lol...My house is a disaster...It is so cold that I have found myself wrapped up in blankets! Yoga has given me more energy but the cold has stopped me from using it!
Daughters! Lydia strained her back so had a doctor appointment on Friday. Her older sister and I both have lower back issues so it isn't totally surprising. The doctor did a nice job explaining it to her and what she needed to do. She has been following thru for the most part and hopefully it will be all better by the end of the week!
Lincoln! What a great movie! I was really wanting to go to a chic flick but no one could go with me so I settle on seeing Lincoln with the hubby! What a great great flick! I urge everyone to go! The line with the most impact on me "Can you just be liberal instead of your selfish self.." There were many humorous parts and some that surprised me!
So there you have it! I long complete week! How was your week?
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
All Around Me...
All around me people are working on their fitness. They are doing so many different things. I often sit and wonder what their motivation is for choosing what they do and how they do it. I do, of course, have opinions, but also know that my opinions are just my opinions.
YOGA: Up until I tried Bikram and then Moksha Yoga I never considered it a fitness be truthful I thought of it as a way to relax...boy am I wrong. Hot house yoga is the only type I have tried and man...are those sweat and get a cardio workout and stretching...I really like yoga and need to figure out a way to work into my new lifestyle.
Health Clubs: I am up in the air how I feel about health clubs. I think they are awesome and great and EXPENSIVE. I think the fact that they are convenient and seem to appear on many corners in many areas is a plus but also a downfall. They make it easy to sign up but so many people sign up ...start going and then quit! I also never can remember how to use the machines and it seems there are never anyone around that know either.
Slim Genics, Medifast, Jenny Craig etc : These places are so intriguing to me. I am always impressed by the commercials. I also wonder if there is a gimmick...what are they REALLY selling me and is it really healthy. I struggle taking vitamins so I don't think I would be successful with this type of program. I have had some friends that have been successful and thrive on the counseling part. Oh and I am such a picky know...that texture thing!
DVDS: oy! Don't get me started...I get so intimidated by Jillian and other similar people...they sound so pompous and degrading... I think, again, they work for some people...but I feel silly doing them! I did Jillian's 30 Day Shred...and it was good..I don't think I lost any weight nor did I do anything after the 30 days...not a fan!
Personal Trainers: EXPENSIVE most of the time. Intense some of the time. I think you have to be comfortable enough with yourself to be successful with this type of plan. You also have to be able to trust that the trainer is not leading you down the wrong path and that they are invested in your well being.
And then there are all the equipment needed type of programs...kettle bells, stability balls, weights etc...You really have to be a self motivated person
It is really cool all the choices that are out there and I think it is honorable when people give things a try...I feel that your physical fitness is perhaps the most important thing you can improve upon.
I say go for it and stick with it!
YOGA: Up until I tried Bikram and then Moksha Yoga I never considered it a fitness be truthful I thought of it as a way to relax...boy am I wrong. Hot house yoga is the only type I have tried and man...are those sweat and get a cardio workout and stretching...I really like yoga and need to figure out a way to work into my new lifestyle.
Health Clubs: I am up in the air how I feel about health clubs. I think they are awesome and great and EXPENSIVE. I think the fact that they are convenient and seem to appear on many corners in many areas is a plus but also a downfall. They make it easy to sign up but so many people sign up ...start going and then quit! I also never can remember how to use the machines and it seems there are never anyone around that know either.
Slim Genics, Medifast, Jenny Craig etc : These places are so intriguing to me. I am always impressed by the commercials. I also wonder if there is a gimmick...what are they REALLY selling me and is it really healthy. I struggle taking vitamins so I don't think I would be successful with this type of program. I have had some friends that have been successful and thrive on the counseling part. Oh and I am such a picky know...that texture thing!
DVDS: oy! Don't get me started...I get so intimidated by Jillian and other similar people...they sound so pompous and degrading... I think, again, they work for some people...but I feel silly doing them! I did Jillian's 30 Day Shred...and it was good..I don't think I lost any weight nor did I do anything after the 30 days...not a fan!
Personal Trainers: EXPENSIVE most of the time. Intense some of the time. I think you have to be comfortable enough with yourself to be successful with this type of plan. You also have to be able to trust that the trainer is not leading you down the wrong path and that they are invested in your well being.
And then there are all the equipment needed type of programs...kettle bells, stability balls, weights etc...You really have to be a self motivated person
It is really cool all the choices that are out there and I think it is honorable when people give things a try...I feel that your physical fitness is perhaps the most important thing you can improve upon.
I say go for it and stick with it!
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Up until last Sunday I had never eaten one! Is that weird?
In June I had made it a goal to try an egg sometime before Christmas. The reason being I knew it was a great source of protein...right?
Here is the problem...I am s texture freak! And come on...just looking at an egg I knew the texture would throw me over the edge! In fact just writing this makes me shudder! Also the odor of freshly peeled or cooked eggs is pretty strong...smelly! It is something I just couldn't get over! And besides those two mom doesn't like them so she never made them so as a kid I never was really introduced to them...
This all brings me to Sunday and my egg experience ...I got a spinach salad from Panera...and right on top is a hard boiled egg...shudder...but then I thought...just eat it you big baby!
So I looked at it for awhile...picked it upland smelled it...poked at it...then I nibbled not bad...I swallowed and took another actual bite..,I didn't gag but I was warned that the yolk was icky for another bite landed me into the yolk and eh not bad! I then polished off the rest and didn't throw up...but I did struggle a bit when some of it mushed up between my cheek and gum...but I survived!
This weekend I plan on boiling some eggs and make another attempt at eating them!
My next adventure will be fish....Ewww
In June I had made it a goal to try an egg sometime before Christmas. The reason being I knew it was a great source of protein...right?
Here is the problem...I am s texture freak! And come on...just looking at an egg I knew the texture would throw me over the edge! In fact just writing this makes me shudder! Also the odor of freshly peeled or cooked eggs is pretty strong...smelly! It is something I just couldn't get over! And besides those two mom doesn't like them so she never made them so as a kid I never was really introduced to them...
This all brings me to Sunday and my egg experience ...I got a spinach salad from Panera...and right on top is a hard boiled egg...shudder...but then I thought...just eat it you big baby!
So I looked at it for awhile...picked it upland smelled it...poked at it...then I nibbled not bad...I swallowed and took another actual bite..,I didn't gag but I was warned that the yolk was icky for another bite landed me into the yolk and eh not bad! I then polished off the rest and didn't throw up...but I did struggle a bit when some of it mushed up between my cheek and gum...but I survived!
This weekend I plan on boiling some eggs and make another attempt at eating them!
My next adventure will be fish....Ewww
Monday, January 7, 2013
Today is a Good Day!
Today is a good day!
1. My run was sweet and really energized me.
2. I have chatted with all my girls and a couple nieces and they all made me smile!
3. I am probably changing how I am working out and that is exciting.
4. My workout wiped me out...but that is okay and I know it is working!
5. My students are awesome kids and have come along way and that makes me proud!
6. I have made some attempts to figure out my desire toward my faith and that has me puzzled!
7. I realized today that I have amazing new and old friends and that is thrilling!
Today is a good day!
1. My run was sweet and really energized me.
2. I have chatted with all my girls and a couple nieces and they all made me smile!
3. I am probably changing how I am working out and that is exciting.
4. My workout wiped me out...but that is okay and I know it is working!
5. My students are awesome kids and have come along way and that makes me proud!
6. I have made some attempts to figure out my desire toward my faith and that has me puzzled!
7. I realized today that I have amazing new and old friends and that is thrilling!
Today is a good day!
Sunday, January 6, 2013
If I had $10 for...
If I had $10 for every time someone told me I was an inspiration to them I would have a couple thousand dollars...oh I could use that cash...
Since returning to work this fall I have fielded many comments about my weight loss. It has been good. Many compliments...many whys and many hows...I was warned this was going to happen..
At first it was hard to answer..although the attention was earned I am not one to relish in it.
As time has passed the hows have become more sincere and find myself being pretty upfront with people..
"I bet it was hard..." I honestly tell people that it was not really HARD...the reason? because I am doing it for myself! I am not doing it for any other reason...just for me!
"What was the hardest thing to give up?" Well I didn't have to give up anything but I did decide that certain things were no longer needed or wanted...I no longer needed or wanted my beloved Diet Coke...
"How often do you workout?" Everyday! (some days more than others)
"Oh I can't do _________ or _____________" Well you asked so I told you.....
I totally know you have to want this for yourself or it won't work...I know what work(s) for me and it has been a lifestyle change.
Since returning to work this fall I have fielded many comments about my weight loss. It has been good. Many compliments...many whys and many hows...I was warned this was going to happen..
At first it was hard to answer..although the attention was earned I am not one to relish in it.
As time has passed the hows have become more sincere and find myself being pretty upfront with people..
"I bet it was hard..." I honestly tell people that it was not really HARD...the reason? because I am doing it for myself! I am not doing it for any other reason...just for me!
"What was the hardest thing to give up?" Well I didn't have to give up anything but I did decide that certain things were no longer needed or wanted...I no longer needed or wanted my beloved Diet Coke...
"How often do you workout?" Everyday! (some days more than others)
"Oh I can't do _________ or _____________" Well you asked so I told you.....
I totally know you have to want this for yourself or it won't work...I know what work(s) for me and it has been a lifestyle change.
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
Up Early...
Right now I can barely keep my eyes open...I am so tired.
Today started with the alarm going off at 4:50. I set it a bit early so that I could get all my duds on for my takes a bit longer in the winter.
After getting the dogs settled I set out on my 3 mile route. It is what I stick to in the wee hours of the day. As soon as I took off I knew it would be a good steady run.
There was no wind and just a slight snow peaceful. I wore my big mittens, face mask and my head the time I hit the home stretch the mittens were off and the headlamp was around my neck! I am sure I looked the site!
Upon getting back I checked my time and realized I made it in 33 minutes..2 minutes better than my usual time. I was content.
I quickly got my breakfast ready, then ready for work and then I prepped some spaghetti sauce for dinner, made lunches and headed off to work.
Work was exhausting but I so looked forward to working out afterward...I think it kept me afloat today
Laura joined me working out. It was a good workout mostly legs and arms...which totally zonked me out. My legs are achy tonight oh and so are my good!
The best news...something I was anticipating being quite the opposite is that since my last time weighing in...12/20 til today I lost 3's that for Christmas and New Year cheer? I was so relieved and I think I smiled for an hour!
Thankfully dinner was in the crockpot and that today is Wednesday and not Monday...two more days and then a short reprieve!
How was your day!
Today started with the alarm going off at 4:50. I set it a bit early so that I could get all my duds on for my takes a bit longer in the winter.
After getting the dogs settled I set out on my 3 mile route. It is what I stick to in the wee hours of the day. As soon as I took off I knew it would be a good steady run.
There was no wind and just a slight snow peaceful. I wore my big mittens, face mask and my head the time I hit the home stretch the mittens were off and the headlamp was around my neck! I am sure I looked the site!
Upon getting back I checked my time and realized I made it in 33 minutes..2 minutes better than my usual time. I was content.
I quickly got my breakfast ready, then ready for work and then I prepped some spaghetti sauce for dinner, made lunches and headed off to work.
Work was exhausting but I so looked forward to working out afterward...I think it kept me afloat today
Laura joined me working out. It was a good workout mostly legs and arms...which totally zonked me out. My legs are achy tonight oh and so are my good!
The best news...something I was anticipating being quite the opposite is that since my last time weighing in...12/20 til today I lost 3's that for Christmas and New Year cheer? I was so relieved and I think I smiled for an hour!
Thankfully dinner was in the crockpot and that today is Wednesday and not Monday...two more days and then a short reprieve!
How was your day!
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
Omitted One...Goal...Bringing it back...
About a month ago I was having a pity party...a social life pity party...or lack see...I purposely have a sorry social life and I need to do something about it...
I have a theory...I think for the all the years that I wasn't really caring about myself I indirectly isolated myself. Don't get me wrong...I like being with people and have no lack of social skills but it was just easier to not go out and do things...
So I just didn't... that I kinda don't mind dressing up...(I know that probably sounds vain...and you can believe what you want...) I would like to go out more and do adult kinda things...I am not really a partier..hmmmm I was back in the day...and I think I would like to be social in milder ways...
So I am on the look out for fun things to do...I am thinking I need to assert myself some and get things set up ...which I think would be a good challenge...perhaps join some sort of team....I would like to find some active events...I have found that I am not one to just sit around...
I wonder if there are any running clubs around or perhaps I should really pursue yoga as I have talked about for awhile...
I am really open to anything....ideas?
I have a theory...I think for the all the years that I wasn't really caring about myself I indirectly isolated myself. Don't get me wrong...I like being with people and have no lack of social skills but it was just easier to not go out and do things...
So I just didn't... that I kinda don't mind dressing up...(I know that probably sounds vain...and you can believe what you want...) I would like to go out more and do adult kinda things...I am not really a partier..hmmmm I was back in the day...and I think I would like to be social in milder ways...
So I am on the look out for fun things to do...I am thinking I need to assert myself some and get things set up ...which I think would be a good challenge...perhaps join some sort of team....I would like to find some active events...I have found that I am not one to just sit around...
I wonder if there are any running clubs around or perhaps I should really pursue yoga as I have talked about for awhile...
I am really open to anything....ideas?
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