Okay so all over facebook and blogland there is talk of the BIG snowfall about to happen...PEOPLE...we can't control the weather...just roll with it!
Surgery went well...and I am recovering...each day I feel better but am still tired and achy. I am so amazed at the service provided at Woodwinds Hospital...I think most of them like there jobs or they are good fakers!
So...it has been a week since I last worked out...so far I am realizing that I can't but that doesn't stop me from wanting...and needing...so far my pants still fit!
I have some good things happening this month and things I am working on and towards.
Oh man...since our trip to AZ and Easter it has been really hard for me to stay eating clean and healthy. This has been the first time that I have cheated on myself. And have been really down about it. I purposely flowed with whatever in AZ...thankfully my family there are eating healthy most of the time...but we all easily talked each other into pizza and sandwiches. Oh and bags of chocolate...But we had so much fun and relaxed and worked out that it balanced out...My point being is I wanted to keep eating those things when I got home...It wasn't like I planned it or didn't plan it...it just happened. That dang inner voice...the one I trained myself to ignore kept yacking...and truthly I didn't care...YES I really did but I also think the anxiety of surgery played a bigger part...Since being back at work I am doing much better...
A Story or two or Five..
I finally ordered the workbook a Storyline by Donald Miller. It takes you thru the process of your life so far and helps you to develop roles and ambitions...well a story for the rest of your life... Anyway...while I was laid up in bed I worked thru about half of it. It has been a great process...AND the cool thing is while working on it I came up with an IDEA...and tonight I am going to start working on the IDEA...I am excited to see what comes of it...
In the last few weeks I fielded some not meant to be mean comments but I took them as annoying mean comments...both of which were about my weight...It took me awhile to blow them off...and really I haven't blown them off...otherwise I wouldn't be mentioning them here...
So onward and upward...
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